Calculators - Calculus III
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Multiple (Double, Triple) Integral Calculator
The calculator will try to calculate the multiple integral (double, triple).
Partial Derivative Calculator
This online calculator will calculate the partial derivative of the function, with steps shown. You can specify any order of integration.
Tangent Plane Calculator
The calculator will try to find the tangent plane to the explicit and the implicit curve at the given point, with steps shown.
Critical Points, Extrema, and Saddle Points Calculator
The calculator will try to find the critical (stationary) points, the relative (local) maxima and minima, as well as the saddle points of the multivariable function, with steps shown.
Lagrange Multipliers Calculator
The calculator will try to find the maxima and minima of the two- or three-variable function, subject to the given constraints, using the method of Lagrange multipliers, with steps shown.
Jacobian Calculator
The calculator will find the Jacobian matrix of the set of functions and the Jacobian determinant (if possible), with steps shown.
Hessian Calculator
The calculator will find the Hessian matrix of the multivariable function, with steps shown. Also, it will evaluate the Hessian at the given point if needed.
Divergence Calculator
The calculator will find the divergence of the given vector field, with steps shown.
Function Gradient Calculator
The calculator will find the gradient of the given function (at the given point if needed), with steps shown.
Directional Derivative Calculator
The calculator will find the directional derivative (with steps shown) of the given function at the point in the direction of the given vector.
Unit Tangent Vector Calculator
The calculator will find the unit tangent vector to the vector-valued function at the given point, with steps shown.
Unit Normal Vector Calculator
The calculator will find the principal unit normal vector to the vector-valued function at the given point, with steps shown.
Unit Binormal Vector Calculator
The calculator will find the unit binormal vector to the vector-valued function at the given point, with steps shown.
Curvature Calculator
The calculator will find the curvature of the given explicit, parametric, or vector-valued function at the given point, with steps shown.
Torsion Calculator
The calculator will find the torsion of the given vector-valued function at the given point, with steps shown.
Tangential Component of Acceleration Calculator
The calculator will find the tangential component of acceleration for the object, described by the vector-valued function, at the given point, with steps shown.
Normal Component of Acceleration Calculator
The calculator will find the normal component of acceleration for the object, described by the vector-valued function, at the given point, with steps shown.
3D Graphing Calculator
A free online 3D graphing calculator for plotting linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, polynomial, trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, and logarithmic curves. The plots can be styled and customized according to the needs.