Schritt für Schritt Brüche in Dezimalzahlen umwandeln
Der Rechner wandelt den gegebenen (echten oder unechten) Bruch oder die gemischte Zahl in eine Dezimalzahl um (eventuell mit Wiederholungen oder wiederkehrenden Zahlen), wobei die Schritte angezeigt werden.
Your input: convert 480025 into a decimal.
Write the problem in the special format:
Step 1
How many 25's are in 4? The answer is 0.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 4−0⋅25=4−0=4.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 2
How many 25's are in 48? The answer is 1.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 48−1⋅25=48−25=23.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 3
How many 25's are in 230? The answer is 9.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 230−9⋅25=230−225=5.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 4
How many 25's are in 50? The answer is 2.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 50−2⋅25=50−50=0.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 5
How many 25's are in 0? The answer is 0.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 0−0⋅25=0−0=0.
Since the remainder is 0, then we are done.
Therefore, 480025=192.0
Answer: 480025=192.0