Fractions Calculator
Solve fractions step by step
The calculator will find (with steps shown) the sum, difference, product, and result of the division of fractions or mixed numbers. It will also convert the fraction into a decimal number and into an improper fraction (if possible).
Your input: find the sum, difference, and product of two fractions, the result of the division; convert them into decimal.
The fractions are: 237, 59
Convert 237 into an improper fraction.
Rewrite 2 as 147
Add the fractions: 237=147+37=177 (we just add the numerators, since the denominators are equal).
So, 237=177
Fractions addition
Multiply the numerator and the denominator of the first fraction by 9: 177=15363
Multiply the numerator and the denominator of the second fraction by 7: 59=3563
Add the fractions: 15363+3563=18863 (we just add the numerators, since the denominators are equal).
Convert into a mixed number.
Rewrite 188 as 2⋅63+62: 18863=2⋅63+6263=26263
So, 18863=26263
Fractions subtraction
Multiply the numerator and the denominator of the first fraction by 9: 177=15363
Multiple the numerator and the denominator of the second fraction by 7: 59=3563
Subtract fractions: 15363−3563=11863 (we just subtract the numerators, since the denominators are equal).
Convert into a mixed number.
Rewrite 118 as 1⋅63+55: 11863=1⋅63+5563=15563
So, 11863=15563
Fractions multiplication
Multiple the numerators and denominators: 177⋅59=8563
Convert into a mixed number.
Rewrite 85 as 1⋅63+22: 8563=1⋅63+2263=12263
So, 8563=12263
Fractions division
Multiple the first fraction by inverted second fraction: 177÷59=177⋅95=15335
Convert into a mixed number.
Rewrite 153 as 4⋅35+13: 15335=4⋅35+1335=41335
So, 15335=41335
Decimal representation
The decimal representation of 177 is 2.42857142857143
The decimal representation of 59 is 0.555555555555556
The decimal representation of 237 is 2.42857142857143
The decimal representation of 59 is 0.555555555555556