Calculators - Probability/Statistics

Mean Calculator

For the given group of numbers, the calculator will find their average (arithmetic mean), with steps shown.

Geometric Mean Calculator

For the given group of values, the calculator will find their geometric mean, with steps shown.

Harmonic Mean Calculator

For the given group of values, the calculator will find their harmonic mean, with steps shown.

Sample/Population Variance Calculator

For the given set of values, the calculator will find their variance (either sample or population), with steps shown.

Sample/Population Standard Deviation Calculator

For the given set of observations, the calculator will find their standard deviation (either sample or population), with steps shown.

Sample/Population Coefficient of Variation Calculator

For the given data set, the calculator will find the sample or the population coefficient of variation (CV), with steps shown.

Sample/Population Covariance Calculator

For the given two sets of values, the calculator will find the covariance between them (either sample or population), with steps shown.

Correlation Coefficient Calculator

For the given two sets of values, the calculator will find the Pearson correlation coefficient between them (either sample or population), with steps shown.

Percentile Calculator

For the given set of data, the calculator will find percentile no. pp, with steps shown.

Median Calculator

The calculator will find the median (5050th percentile, second quartile) for the given sample data, with steps shown.

Lower Quartile Calculator

For the given set of data, the calculator will find the lower (first) quartile (2525th percentile), with steps shown.

Upper Quartile Calculator

For the given set of data, the calculator will find the upper (third) quartile (7575th percentile), with steps shown.

Interquartile Range Calculator

For the given set of data, the calculator will find the interquartile range (IQR), with steps shown.

Mode Calculator

For the given set of data, the calculator will find the mode, with steps shown.

Range of a Data Set Calculator

For the given set of observations, the calculator will find their range, with steps shown.

Five Number Summary Calculator

The calculator will find the five number summary for the given set of data (minimum value, first quartile, median, third quartile, maximum value), with steps shown.

Box and Whisker Plot Calculator

The calculator will create the box and whisker plot for the given set of data, with steps shown. Two sets of data are supported.

Percentile Rank, Class Rank Calculator

For the given set of data and score, the calculator will find the percentile class rank, with steps shown.

Binomial Distribution Calculator

The calculator will find the simple and cumulative probabilities, as well as the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the binomial distribution.

Poisson Distribution Calculator

The calculator will find the simple and cumulative probabilities, as well as the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the Poisson distribution.

Geometric Distribution Calculator

The calculator will find the simple and cumulative probabilities, as well as the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the geometric distribution.

Hypergeometric Distribution Calculator

The calculator will find the simple and cumulative probabilities, as well as the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the hypergeometric distribution.

Exponential Distribution Calculator

The calculator will find the simple and cumulative probabilities, as well as the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the exponential distribution.

Beta Distribution Calculator

The calculator will find the simple and cumulative probabilities, as well as the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the beta distribution.

Normal and Inverse Normal Distribution Calculator

For the given mean and standard deviation, the calculator will find various probabilities for the random variable, and vice versa: for the specified probability, it will find the values of the random variable (inverse operation).

Z-Score Calculator

The calculator will find the z-score (standardized score) given the unstandardized value, mean, and standard deviation of the population, with steps shown.

Margin of Error Calculator

The calculator will find the margin of error from the given sample size and distribution, with steps shown.

P-Value Calculator

The calculator will find the p-value for two-tailed, right-tailed and left-tailed tests from normal, Student's (T-distribution), chi-squared, and Fisher (F-distribution) distributions.

Linear Regression Calculator

The calculator will find the line of best fit for the given set of paired data using the least squares method, with steps shown.

Quadratic Regression Calculator

The calculator will find the quadratic of best fit for the given set of paired data using the least squares method, with steps shown.