Since exponential function y=ax is monotonic (i.e. either increasing or decreasing) then it passes horizontal line test. Thus, it has inverse function. To find this function we use algorithm for finding inverse.
Interchange x and y: x=ay. To write this in terms of y we introduce new record: y=loga(x).
So, x=ay is equivalent to y=loga(x). For example, log2(8)=3 because 23=8.
Function y=loga(x) is called logarithmic function. Its domain is (0,∞) and range is (−∞,∞).
Since y=loga(x) is inverse of y=ax then their graphs are symmetric about line y=x.
Properties of Logarithms
If x and y are positive numbers then
aloga(x)=x, for any x,
loga(ax)=x, for x>0,
loga(xb)=bloga(x) (where b is any real number)
First two properties follow from definition of inverse, last three properties follow from corresponding properties of exponentials.
Example 1. Evaluate log2(3)+log2(20)−log2(15).
Using properties of logarithms we can write that log2(3)+log2(20)−log2(15)=log2(3⋅20)−log2(15)=log2(60)−log2(15)=log2(1560)=log2(4)=2
because 22=4.
Natural logarithm
Of all possible bases a the most convenient when working with logarithms is base e (numbere≈2.718). We will talk why is this so in next notes.
So, logarithm with base e is called natural logarithm and is denoted as ln(x): loge(x)=ln(x).
From definition of inverse it follows that ln(x)=y⇔ey=x.
Also, ln(ex)=x for x∈(−∞,∞) and eln(x)=x for x>0.
In particular ln(e)=1.
Example 2. Solve equation e3x+5=4.
Take natural logaritms of both sides: ln(e3x+5)=ln(4) or 3x+5=ln(4), so x=3ln(4)−5.
Example 3. Solve ln(x3+1)=2.
Apply exponential function to both sides of equation: eln(x3+1)=e2 or x3+1=e2.
So, x=3e2−1.
Example 4. Simplify 2ln(x)−31ln(y).
Using properties of logarithms we can write that 2ln(x)−31ln(y)=ln(x2)−ln(y31)=ln(y31x2).
Now, let's see how can we express logaritm with one base through logarithm with another base.
Let y=loga(x). This means that ay=x.
Taking logarithms with base b we have that logb(ay)=logb(x) or ylogb(a)=logb(x).
Thus, y=logb(a)logb(x). From another side y=loga(x).
Finally, loga(x)=logb(a)1logb(x).
Change of base formula.loga(x)=logb(a)logb(x).
In case when b=e we can write equation as loga(x)=ln(a)ln(x).