Category: Antiderivative and Indefinite Integral

Concept of Antiderivative and Indefinite Integral

In the Calculus I (Differential Calculus) section, our main purpose was to find the derivative of a given function.

But often we need to solve the inverse task: given a function f(x){f{{\left({x}\right)}}}, we need to find the function F(x){F}{\left({x}\right)} whose derivative is f(x){f{{\left({x}\right)}}}. In other words, we need to find a function F(x){F}{\left({x}\right)} such that F(x)=f(x){F}'{\left({x}\right)}={f{{\left({x}\right)}}}.

Properties of Indefinite Integrals

Following properties of indefinite integrals arise from the constant multiple and sum rules for derivatives.

Property 1. If aa is some constant then af(x)dx=af(x)dx+C\int{a}\cdot{f{{\left({x}\right)}}}{d}{x}={a}\int{f{{\left({x}\right)}}}{d}{x}+{C}. In other words cosntant can be factored out of integral sign.

Table of Antiderivatives

Below is a short list of functions and their general antiderivatives (we will give more complete table later).

Note that f(x)dx=F(x)+A\int{f{{\left({x}\right)}}}{d}{x}={F}{\left({x}\right)}+{A} and g(x)dx=G(x)+B\int{g{{\left({x}\right)}}}{d}{x}={G}{\left({x}\right)}+{B} where A{A} and B{B} are arbitrary constant.

Area Problem

Suppose that we are given continuous function y=f(x)y={f{{\left({x}\right)}}} on [a,b]{\left[{a},{b}\right]} such that f(x)0{f{{\left({x}\right)}}}\ge{0} for all x[a,b]{x}\in{\left[{a},{b}\right]}.

We want to find area S{S} that lies under curve f(x){f{{\left({x}\right)}}} and bounded by lines x=a{x}={a}, x=b{x}={b} and x-axis.