The basic equation governing the amount of current I (in amperes) in a simple RL circuit consisting of a resistance R (in ohms), an inductance L (in henries), and an electromotive force (abbreviated as 'emf') E (in volts) is dtdI+LRI=LE.
For an RC circuit consisting of a resistance, a capacitance C (in farads), an emf, and no inductance, the equation governing the amount of electrical charge q (in coulombs) on the capacitor is dtdq+RC1q=RE. The relationship between q and I is I=dtdq.
Example 1. An RL circuit has an emf of 5 volts, a resistance of 50 ohms, an inductance of 1 henry, and no initial current. Find the current in the circuit at any time t.
Here, E=5, R=50, and L=1; hence, the differential equation becomes dtdI+50I=5. This is a linear equation; its solution is I=ce−50t+101.
At t=0, I=0; thus, 0=ce−50⋅0+101, or c=−101. The current at any time, then, isI=−101e−50t+101.
The quantity −101e−50t is called transient current, since this quantity goes to zero ("dies out") as t→∞.
The quantity 101 is called steady-state current. As t→∞, the current I approaches the value of steady-state current.
Let's work another helpful example.
Example 2. An RC circuit has an emf of 300cos(2t) volts, a resistance of 150 ohms, a capacitance of 6001 farad, and an initial charge on the capacitor of 5 coulombs. Find the charge on the capacitor at any time t and the steady-state current.
Here, E=300cos(2t), R=150, and C=6001.
So, dtdq+4q=2cos(2t). This is a linear differential equation. It can be rewritten as dtdqe4t+4e4tq=2e4tcos(2t), or dtd(qe4t)=2e4tcos(2t).
Integrating both sides gives qe4t=∫(2e4tcos(2t))dt. Using integration by parts, we obtain that qe4t=c+5e4t(sin(2t)+2cos(2t)).
The charge on the capacitor at any time t is q=ce−4t+51(sin(2t)+2cos(2t)).
Since q=5 when t=0, we have that 5=ce−4⋅0+51(sin(2⋅0)+2⋅cos(2⋅0)), or c=523.
Thus, q=51(23e−4t+sin(2t)+2cos(2t)).
Next, since I=dtdq, we have that I=51(−92e−4t+2cos(2t)−4sin(2t)), and the steady-state current is Is=51(2cos(2t)−4sin(2t)) (−592e−4t is transient because this quantity goes to zero as t→∞, unlike Is).