Converting Fractions to Decimals

Steps for converting fraction into a decimal:

  1. Find such integer number, that when multiplied by the denominator will give a power of 10 (10 or 100 or 1000 etc.)
  2. Multiply both numerator and denominator by that number (this can be done because of equivalence of fractions)
  3. As a result, we obtain a decimal fraction, that can be easily converted into a decimal.

As can be seen we use ease of converting decimal fraction and equivalence of fractions to convert arbitrary fraction.

Example 1. Convert 45\frac{{4}}{{5}} into decimal.

By what integer number should we multiply 5 to get 10? By 2.

Now, multiply both numerator and denominator by 2: 45=4252=810\frac{{4}}{{5}}=\frac{{{4}\cdot{\color{red}{{{2}}}}}}{{{5}\cdot{\color{red}{{{2}}}}}}=\frac{{8}}{{10}}.

We obtained decimal fraction and it can be easy converted to decimal. Since 10=101{10}={{10}}^{{{\color{blue}{{1}}}}}, we move decimal point one position to the left: 810=0.8\frac{{8}}{{10}}={0.8}.

Answer: 45=0.8\frac{{4}}{{5}}={0.8}.

Let's do slightly harder example.

Example 2. Convert 38\frac{{3}}{{8}} into decimal.

By what integer number should we multiply 8 to get 101=10{{10}}^{{1}}={10}? There is no such number.

By what integer number should we multiply 8 to get 102=100{{10}}^{{2}}={100}? There is no such number.

By what integer number should we multiply 8 to get 103=1000{{10}}^{{3}}={1000}? By 125.

Now, multiply both numerator and denominator by 125: 38=31258125=3751000\frac{{3}}{{8}}=\frac{{{3}\cdot{\color{red}{{{125}}}}}}{{{8}\cdot{\color{red}{{{125}}}}}}=\frac{{375}}{{1000}}.

Since 1000=103{1000}={{10}}^{{{\color{blue}{{3}}}}}, we move decimal point three places to the left: 3751000=0.375\frac{{375}}{{1000}}={0.375}.

Answer: 38=0.375\frac{{3}}{{8}}={0.375}.

We can convert improper fractions this way as well.

Example 3. Convert 2625\frac{{26}}{{25}} into decimal.

By what integer number should we multiply 25 to get 101=10{{10}}^{{1}}={10}? There is no such number.

By what integer number should we multiply 25 to get 102=100{{10}}^{{2}}={100}? By 4.

Now, multiply both numerator and denominator by 4: 2625=264254=104100\frac{{26}}{{25}}=\frac{{{26}\cdot{\color{red}{{{4}}}}}}{{{25}\cdot{\color{red}{{{4}}}}}}=\frac{{104}}{{100}}.

Since 100=102{100}={{10}}^{{{\color{blue}{{2}}}}}, we move decimal point two places to the left: 104100=1.04\frac{{104}}{{100}}={1.04}.

Answer: 2625=1.04\frac{{26}}{{25}}={1.04}.

Note, that not all fractions can be converted into decimal. This occurs when we can't find such number, that when multiplied by denominator will give power of 10. This is true for prime numbers and their multiples. For example, 13\frac{{1}}{{3}}, 570\frac{{5}}{{70}} can' t be converted.

Exercise 1. Convert 720\frac{{7}}{{20}} into decimal.

Answer: 720=0.35\frac{{7}}{{20}}={0.35}.

Next exercise.

Exercise 2. Convert 180\frac{{1}}{{80}} into decimal.

Answer: 180=0.0125\frac{{1}}{{80}}={0.0125}.

Next exercise.

Exercise 3. Convert 194-\frac{{19}}{{4}} into decimal.

Answer: 4.75-{4.75}.

Next exercise.

Exercise 4. Convert 511\frac{{5}}{{11}} into decimal.

Answer: can't be converted.

We can convert mixed numbers as well!

Exercise 5. Convert mixed number 3516{3}\frac{{5}}{{16}} into decimal.

Either convert 516\frac{{5}}{{16}} into decimal and add to 3: 3516=3+0.3125=3.3125{3}\frac{{5}}{{16}}={3}+{0.3125}={3.3125}.

Or convert mixed number into improper fraction, and then convert result into decimal.

Answer: 3.3125{3.3125}.

last one with mixed number.

Exercise 6. Convert mixed number 21120-{2}\frac{{11}}{{20}} into decimal.

Answer: 2.55-{2.55}. Hint: ignore minus sign, perform conversion, and then place minus sign back.