It is a bit harder to add fractions with unlike denominators than with like denominators.
We saw that it is very simple to add fractions with like denominators.
But how to transform fractions that have different denominators into fractions that have same denominators? In fact, very easy. We use equivalence of fractions for this.
Two Ways to Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators:
- Suppose we have fractions ba and dc. Multiply both numerator and denominator of the first fraction by denominator d of the second fraction: ba=bdad. Multiply both numerator and denominator of the second fraction by the denominator b of the first fraction: dc=bdbc. Now fractions have same common denominator bd. Add them and perform reducing if possible. ba+dc=bdad+bc.
- Suppose we have fractions ba and dc. Find least common multiple of denominators b and d: LCM(b,d). This will be common denominator. Find equivalent fractions, perform addition and reduce if possible.
Difference between first and second way is that second way usually have simpler calculations and we need to reduce result more seldom than when using first way.
Example 1. Find 43+75.
Find equivalent fractions.
Now, add fractions 2821+2820=2841.
Reduce if possible: 2841 is irreducible.
Answer: 2841.
Next example.
Example 2. Find 125+187.
Find equivalent fractions.
Now, add fractions 21690+21684=216174.
Reduce if possible: 216174=3629.
Answer: 3629.
Now, let's try to do above example using second way.
Example 3. Find 125+187.
Find least common multiple of denominators: LCM(12,18)=36.
Find equivalent fractions.
We need to multiply numerator and denominator of the first fraction by 1236=3 to get 36 in denominator: 125=12⋅35⋅3=3615.
We need to multiply numerator and denominator of the second fraction by 1836=2 to get 36 in denominator: 187=18⋅27⋅2=3614.
Now, add fractions 3615+3614=3629.
Reduce if possible: 3629 is irreducible.
Answer: 3629.
Note, that using second way we obtained answer without reducing fraction and calculations were simpler.
Example 4. Find −819+1613.
Find least common multiple of denominators: LCM(8,16)=16.
Find equivalent fractions.
We need to multiply numerator and denominator of the first fraction by 816=2 to get 16 in denominator: −819=−8⋅219⋅2=−1638.
Second fraction already has required denominator, so we don't need to find equivalent fraction.
Now, add fractions −1638+1613=16−38+13=−1625.
Reduce if possible: −1625 is irreducible.
Answer: −1625.
Next example.
Example 5. Find 613+21.
Find least common multiple of denominators: LCM(6,2)=6.
Find equivalent fractions:
First fraction already has required denominator so we don't need to find equivalent fraction.
We need to multiply second fraction by 26=3 to get 6 in denominator: 21=2⋅31⋅3=63.
Now, add fractions 613+63=616.
Reduce if possible: 616=38.
Answer: 38.
Now, it is time to do a couple of exercises.
Exercise 1. Find 35+41.
Answer: 1223.
Next exercise.
Exercise 2. Find 247+1817. using both ways and tell what way was easier.
Answer: 7289.
Next exercise.
Exercise 3. Find −718+215.
Answer: −37.
Next exercise.
Exercise 4. Find 102+(−39).
Answer: −514.
Next exercise.
Exercise 5. Find 1+52.
Answer: 57. Hint: 1=55.