Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers is inverse of converting mixed number to improper fractions.
Suppose you want to convert to improper fraction.
We already know that .
Now, imagine that you want to convert to mixed number. We can look at above transformations from right to left to find that .
From this we notice that we need only one thing to convert improper fraction to mixed number: division with remainder of numerator by denominator.
Indeed, when we talked about division with remainder we said that when 19 is divided by 5 result is 3 and something extra: . Now, we know that extra is nothing else than fraction .
If then .
Now, let's go through a couple of examples.
Example 1. Convert to mixed number.
We can write 23 as (division with remainder is performed), so .
Answer: .
Next example.
Example 2. Convert to mixed number.
First note that fraction is not irreducible. Reduce it: .
We can write 9 as (division with remainder is performed), so .
Answer: .
Next example.
Example 3. Convert to mixed number.
First ignore minus sign: work with .
We can write 45 as (division with remainder is performed), so .
Finally, don't forget about ignored minus sign.
Answer: .
Time to practice.
Exercise 1. Convert to mixed number.
Answer: .
Next exercise.
Exercise 2. Convert to mixed number.
Answer: 3.
Next exercise.
Exercise 3. Convert to mixed number.
Answer: .