To divide fraction by a fraction multiply numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction and denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second fraction, i.e. ba÷dc=dcba=bcad.
After this you, possibly, need to reduce fraction.
Note! Rules for determining sign of the result are same as when dividing integers.
Example 1. Divide 125 by 711.
Fraction is irreducible.
Answer: 13235.
Next example.
Example 2. Divide 1116 by 38.
Reduce fraction: 8848=116.
Answer: 116.
Next example.
Example 3. Divide 739 by 25.
Convert to mixed number if needed: 3578=2358.
Answer: 3578=2358.
Now, it is time to practice.
Exercise 1. Divide 52 by 121.
Answer: 524=454.
Next exercise.
Exercise 2. Divide 15 by −75.
Answer: -21. Hint: 15=115.
Last exercise.
Exercise 3. Divide −521 by −435.
Answer: 2512.