After this you, possibly, need to reduce fraction.
Also, you can convert improper fraction back to mixed number.
Note! Rules for determining sign of the result are same as when dividing integers.
Example 1. Divide 2125 by 573.
Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions: 2125=1229 and 573=738.
Perform division: 1229÷738=38⋅1229⋅7=456203.
Fraction is irreducible and also can't be converted to mixed number because it is proper.
Answer: 456203.
Next example.
Example 2. Divide 1115 by 38.
We convert 1115 into improper fraction: 1115=1116. Second number is already fraction.
Now, divide numbers: 381116=11⋅816⋅3=8848.
Reduce fraction: 8848=116.
Answer: 116.
Next example.
Example 3. Divide 574 by −221.
Result of dividing positive number by negative is negative.
So, ignore minus of the second number and convert both numbers to improper fractions: 574=739 and 221=27.
Divide numbers: 25739=5⋅739⋅2=3578.
Convert to mixed number if needed: 3578=2358.
Don't forget that result should be negative.
Answer: −3578=−2358.
Now, it is time to practice.
Exercise 1. Divide 352 by 721.
Answer: 7534.
Next exercise.
Exercise 2. Divide -15 by 375.
Answer: −26105=−4261. Hint: −15=−115.
Next example.
Exercise 3. Divide −451 by −47.
Answer: 512=252.