To understand multiplication of exponents, let's start from a simple example.
Example. Suppose, we want to find (23)4.
We already learned about positive integer exponets, so we can rewrite outer exponent: (23)4=23⋅23⋅23⋅23.
Now, using addition of exponents, we have that (23)4=23⋅23⋅23⋅23=23+3+3+3=23⋅4=212.
Let's see what have we done. We rewrote outer exponent, and then applied the rule for adding exponents.
But notice, that we added 3 four times, In other words we multiplied 3 by 4. Note, that 3⋅4=12.
It appears, that this rule works not only for positive integer exponents, it works for any exponent.
Rule for subtracting exponents: (am)n=am⋅n.
Note. Since m⋅n=n⋅m, then (am)n=(an)m.
Example 2. Find (23)−15.
It doesn't matter, that exponent is negative.
Just proceed as always: (23)−15=23⋅(−15)=2−45=2451.
Even when exponents are fractional, we use the same rule!
Example 3. Find (341)2.
We can handle radicals, also, because radicals can be rewritten with the help of exponent.
Example 4. Rewrite, using positive exponent: (7321)5.
First we rewrite number, using exponents and then apply the rule:
Now, it is time to exercise.
Exercise 1. Find (35)2.
Answer: 310.
Exercise 2. Find (55)−2.
Answer: 5−10=5101.
Exercise 3. Find (453)5.
Answer: 43=64.
Exercise 4. Find (32)−51.
Answer: 3−52=5911.
Exercise 5. Find (7271)2.
Answer: (73−3)2=(3−73)2=3−76=3761.