Kalkulator Half-Life
Obliczanie okresu półtrwania i ilości substancji krok po kroku
Ten kalkulator obliczy okres półtrwania, ilość początkową, ilość pozostałą i czas, z pokazanymi krokami.
Your input: find N(t) in N(t)=N0e−λt given N0=250, th=15, t=100.
N(t) is the amount after the time t, N0 is the initial amount, th is the half-life.
First, find the constant λ (also known as decay constant or decay rate).
We know that after half-life there will be twice less the initial quantity: N(th)=N02=N0e−λth.
Simplifying gives 12=e−λth or λ=−ln(12)th.
Plugging this into the initial equation, we obtain that N(t)=N0eln(12)tht or N(t)=N0(12)tth.
Finally, just plug in the given values and find the unknown one.
From N(t)=250(12)10015, we have that N(t)=1253√264.
Answer: N(t)=1253√264≈2.46078330057592.