Kalkulator ułamków dziesiętnych
Konwersja ułamków zwykłych na dziesiętne krok po kroku
Kalkulator zamieni podany ułamek (właściwy lub niewłaściwy) lub liczbę mieszaną na liczbę dziesiętną (ewentualnie powtarzającą się lub rekurencyjną), z pokazanymi krokami.
Your input: convert 320055 into a decimal.
Write the problem in the special format:
Step 1
How many 55's are in 3? The answer is 0.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 3−0⋅55=3−0=3.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 2
How many 55's are in 32? The answer is 0.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 32−0⋅55=32−0=32.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 3
How many 55's are in 320? The answer is 5.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 320−5⋅55=320−275=45.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 4
How many 55's are in 450? The answer is 8.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 450−8⋅55=450−440=10.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 5
How many 55's are in 100? The answer is 1.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 100−1⋅55=100−55=45.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 6
How many 55's are in 450? The answer is 8.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 450−8⋅55=450−440=10.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 7
How many 55's are in 100? The answer is 1.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 100−1⋅55=100−55=45.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 8
How many 55's are in 450? The answer is 8.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 450−8⋅55=450−440=10.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 9
How many 55's are in 100? The answer is 1.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 100−1⋅55=100−55=45.
As can be seen, the digits are repeating with some period, therefore it is a repeating (or recurring) decimal: 320055=58.1¯81
Answer: 320055=58.1¯81