Fraction to Decimal Calculator
Convert fractions to decimals step by step
The calculator will convert the given fraction (proper or improper) or mixed number into a decimal (possibly, repeating or recurring), with steps shown.
Your input: convert 6008 into a decimal.
Write the problem in the special format:
Step 1
How many 8's are in 6? The answer is 0.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 6−0⋅8=6−0=6.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 2
How many 8's are in 60? The answer is 7.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 60−7⋅8=60−56=4.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 3
How many 8's are in 40? The answer is 5.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 40−5⋅8=40−40=0.
Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
Step 4
How many 8's are in 0? The answer is 0.
Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table.
Now, 0−0⋅8=0−0=0.
Since the remainder is 0, then we are done.
Therefore, 6008=75.0
Answer: 6008=75.0