Euler's Method Calculator

Apply the Euler's method step by step

The calculator will find the approximate solution of the first-order differential equation using the Euler's method, with steps shown.

Related calculators: Improved Euler (Heun's) Method Calculator, Modified Euler's Method Calculator

Or y(x)=f(x,y)y^{\prime }\left(x\right) = f{\left(x,y \right)}.
Or x0x_{0}.
y0=y(t0)y_0=y(t_0) or y0=y(x0)y_0=y(x_0).
Or x1x_{1}.

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Our Euler's Method Calculator is an excellent resource for solving differential equations using the Euler's Method. It promises accuracy with every use, and its in-depth, step-by-step solutions can enhance your understanding of the process.

How to Use the Euler's Method Calculator?

  • Input

    Begin by entering your differential equation into the specified field. Ensure it's correctly formatted to avoid any errors. Input the initial conditions. This would be a point (t0,y0)\left(t_0,y_0\right) from where the computation starts. Determine and input the desired step size hh. A smaller step size often leads to more accurate results but will require more computations.

  • Calculation

    After ensuring all the inputs are correctly set, click the "Calculate" button.

  • Result

    The calculator will display the estimated value of the function at the specified point as well as intermediate steps.

What Is the Euler’s Method?

The Euler's Method is a straightforward numerical technique that approximates the solution of ordinary differential equations (ODE). Named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, this method is precious for its simplicity and ease of understanding, especially for those new to differential equations.

Basic Concept

The Euler's Method relies on using the derivative's value at a certain point to estimate the function's value at the next point. Essentially, it uses tangent lines to approximate the solution of the differential equation.

Mathematical Representation

Suppose we have the following differential equation:


with the initial condition y(t0)=y0y\left(t_0\right)=y_0. The Euler's Method provides the approximate value of yy at t1=t0+ht_1=t_0+h (where hh is a step size) using the following formula:

y1=y0+hf(t0,y0)y_1=y_0+h\cdot f\left(t_0,y_0\right)


  • y1y_1 is the function's new (approximated) value, the value at t=t1t=t_1.
  • y0y_0 is the known initial value.
  • f(t0,y0)f\left(t_0,y_0\right) represents the value of the derivative at the initial point.
  • hh is the step size or the increment in the t-value.

Usage and Limitations

The Euler's Method is generally used when:

  • The analytical (exact) solution of a differential equation is challenging to obtain.
  • A quick approximation is sufficient.

However, it's essential to understand that the accuracy of the Euler's Method depends on step size. A smaller step size typically gives a more accurate approximation but requires more computational steps. Moreover, for some functions or over long intervals, the Euler's Method can't provide an accurate estimate, and other numerical methods might be more suitable.

Why Choose Our Euler's Method Calculator?

  • Precision

    Our calculator is designed using advanced algorithms that closely approximate the exact solution of a differential equation. This guarantees accurate results.

  • User-Friendly Interface

    The intuitive design means even those new to the Euler's Method can navigate and get results effortlessly. No need to do manual calculations.

  • Step-by-Step Solutions

    Beyond providing the answer, our calculator breaks down the entire process, offering a detailed step-by-step explanation. This is invaluable for learners and professionals, aiding in comprehension and verification.

  • Versatility

    Whether you're tackling simple or more complex differential equations, our tool can handle many problems.

  • Fast Computations

    Our Euler's Method Calculator delivers results in seconds, simplifying the problem-solving process.


What is step size in the Euler’s Method?

Step size in the Euler’s method, often denoted as hh, represents the interval or distance between consecutive points in the approximation. A smaller step size generally leads to a more accurate result but requires more computational steps, while a larger step size can speed up calculations but may sacrifice accuracy.

Can you use the Euler's Method in the opposite direction?

Yes, it's possible to use the Euler's Method in the opposite or backward direction. This method is known as the Backward Euler's Method. This approach uses the derivative at the next step rather than the current one, making it an implicit method.

Why is Euler more stable in the backward direction?

The Backward Euler's Method is more stable than the Forward Euler's Method, particularly for stiff differential equations. Its implicit nature allows for larger step sizes without sacrificing stability, making it ideal for stability-sensitive equations.

What are the disadvantages of the Euler’s Method?

While the Euler's Method is straightforward to understand, it has some drawbacks:

  • The method may not be very accurate, especially with large step sizes.
  • For some differential equations, especially when using a large step size, the method can produce unstable or divergent solutions.
  • The Euler's Method may not be the best choice for stiff or complex differential equations where other numerical methods might offer better results.