Калькулятор спрямованих похідних
Обчислюйте похідні за напрямком крок за кроком
Калькулятор знайде напрямлену похідну (з вказаними кроками) заданої функції в точці в напрямку заданого вектора.
Your input: find the directional derivative of ex+sin(yz) at (x,y,z)=(3,0,π3) in the direction of the vector →u=(2,3,6)
Find the gradient of the function and evaluate it at the given point:
∇(ex+sin(yz))|(x,y,z)=(3,0,π3)=(e3,π3,0) (for steps, see gradient calculator)
Find the length of the vector: |→u|=√(2)2+(3)2+(6)2=7
To normalize the vector, divide each component by the length:
→u becomes (27,37,67).
Finally, the directional derivative is the dot product of the gradient and the normalized vector:
D(ex+sin(yz))→u(3,0,π3)=(e3,π3,0)⋅(27,37,67)=π+2e37 (for steps, see dot product calculator)
Answer: D(ex+sin(yz))→u(3,0,π3)=π+2e37≈6.1875237857093