Rechner für komplexe Zahlen
Schrittweise Operationen mit komplexen Zahlen durchführen
Der Rechner versucht, jeden komplexen Ausdruck zu vereinfachen, wobei die Schritte angezeigt werden. Er führt Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation, Division und Potenzierung durch und findet auch die Polarform, die Konjugierte, den Modulus und die Umkehrung der komplexen Zahl.
Your input: simplify and calculate different forms of (1+3i)(5+i)
Use FOIL to multiply (for steps, see foil calculator), don't forget that i2=−1:
Hence, (1+3i)(5+i)=2+16i
Polar form
For a complex number a+bi, polar form is given by r(cos(θ)+isin(θ)), where r=√a2+b2 and θ=atan(ba)
We have that a=2 and b=16
Thus, r=√(2)2+(16)2=2√65
Also, θ=atan(162)=atan(8)
Therefore, 2+16i=2√65(cos(atan(8))+isin(atan(8)))
The inverse of 2+16i is 12+16i
In general case, multiply the expression 1a+ib by the conjugate (the conjugate of a+ib is a−ib):
Expand the denominator: 1(a−ib)(a+ib)(a−ib)=a−iba2+b2
In our case, a=2 and b=16
Therefore, (12+16i)=(1130−4i65)
Hence, 12+16i=1130−4i65
The conjugate of a+ib is a−ib: the conjugate of 2+16i is 2−16i
The modulus of a+ib is √a2+b2: the modulus of 2+16i is 2√65
The polar form of 2+16i is 2√65(cos(atan(8))+isin(atan(8)))
The inverse of 2+16i is 12+16i=1130−4i65≈0.00769230769230769−0.0615384615384615i
The conjugate of 2+16i is 2−16i=2.0−16.0i
The modulus of 2+16i is 2√65≈16.1245154965971